Welcome to the PKN

          'Society for Research of Historical Tobacco Pipes'

The principal aim of the Society is to bring together collectors, researchers and other interested individuals to share and enrich knowledge about the history of tobacco pipes. 

The society was established In 1978, as an initiative to bring together collectors and researchers via the publication of a quarterly magazine with articles and information relating to the use and manufacture of historic tobacco pipes. Today, the Society publishes three magazines and one yearbook containing research papers and notes on all types of pipes and associated items on a yearly basis.  Members and others can publish in both magazine and yearbook (see English summaries of each yearbook). Allthough the society is established in the Netherlands, we are proud to have many international members, located in various countries.

The society organizes, supports and promotes research, publication of articles and books. Institutions, museums and private persons who are interested in information on excavated Dutch clay pipes (such as dating and precise origin), either from professional archaeological excavations or individual finds are welcome to contact the PKN for assistance.

The Society also organizes a yearly meeting for members to get together and share and exchange ideas and experiences. This yearly meeting is held at different locations in Holland or Belgium that generally relate to some area of interest close to tobacco pipes. During these meetings, presentations are given, local areas of interest are visited and there is an opportunity for trade and exchange for collectors. In addition, another yearly meeting is held at varying locations where members will provide pipe and artefact determination for the public.

Since it's inception, members of the PKN are actively researching and collecting. Today still, new insights and information continue to build and are actively shared.

Navigating this website

Membership ('Donateurs') 


Membership is open to anyone with an interest in tobacco related items or history. Members automatically receive the quarterly magazine and the yearbook. Minimum donation fee for members living outside the Netherlands is 45 Euro per year. In case you are interested we invite you to fill in the below form and mention your interest in the 'comments' section. We will then contact you with further payment and correspondence information.

Latest News ('Laatste Nieuws')


The most recent news can be found in the 'Latest News' section.

Publications ('Publicaties')


Every quarter the society issues a magazine with articles and information and once a year it publishes a yearbook. Previous issues of the magazines can be found here as well.

Copies of the the more recent magazines can be ordered on request, using the contact form on this page.


Previous issues of yearbooks can be ordered via the contact form on this page as well. A sneak preview of their contents can be found via this link 

Meetings ('Bijeenkomsten')


The Society organizes a yearly meeting for members and non members to get together. During this meeting, members can share experiences and ideas in the form of organized presentations and face to face discussion. It also serves as a platform to trade or sell tobacciana and other collecting items.

In addition, at least once a year a 'determination' day is organized, aiming to address members and non members to bring their collectables and finds for review and determination. The meetings for 2016 are not scheduled yet but will be published via this website. Reviews of previous meetings can be found here

Film ('Film')


In the 'Film' section, various dutch and international internet video references are gathered relating to tobacco pipes.   

Links ('Links')


In the 'Links' section, various dutch and international website references are gathered relating to tobacco pipes. Collectors - and research initiatives, commercial sites and websites of musea and institutes.  

Archive ('Archief')


The PKN strives to share any data via this section that we feel might be of interest to our members. Most current examples are a wealth of data of the Dutch pipe factory 'Trumm & Bergmans' which currently is being digitized and added to the archives, and a new section that has currently more then 60 manufacturers and sales catalogues from a multitude of countries.



Literature ('Literatuur')


In the 'Literature' section, new national and international books and publications are listed.   

We gladly answer any questions you might have

Institutions, museums and private persons who are interested in more information on excavated Dutch Clay Pipes (such as dating and precise origin), either from professional archaeological excavations or individual finds are welcome to contact the PKN, Society for Research of Historical Tobacco Pipes. Please use the below contact form for any questions you might have.


                       Contact  Form

For any questions with regards to any of the above mentioned or just comments please use the below form. We will contact you immediately.


Please that by filling in the above form and sending it to us, you explicitly authorise the use of your personal data by 'Stichting PKN' according to our 'Privacyprotocol' and the applicable regulations and laws. 

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